During 16-19 October 2018, the PEESA III Dissemination Event in conjunction with ICEBE Conference was hosted at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu. The Conference enabled project participants to present on the project outcomes and deliverables and provide a forum to discuss the challenges in engineering education, confronting the Southern African region. In the Dissemination Conference programme, a number of messages were addressed by Keynote Address: Prof. Ulrich Weinberg director, School of Design Thinking, Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany. Design Thinking 4.0 – The cultural dimension of digital transformation,Keynote Address: Anthony Staak, South Africa, The PEESA projects: International Collaboration on Engineering Education, Keynote Address: Senior lecturer, Dozent (FH) Dipl.- Hagen Hochrinner, University of Applied Sciences FH-Joanneum in Graz, Austria, Dual education in higher education, Keynote Address: Dr. Ugo Fiore, Parthenope University of Naples, Italy, Neural Networks in the Educational Sector: Challenges and Opportunities. The messages facilitated the discussion on the involvement of local government and university- enterprise co-operation in order to satisfy the needs in engineering education.

During 16-19 October 2018, the PEESA III Dissemination Event in conjunction with ICEBE Conference was hosted at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu. During the Dissemination Conference, 3-day dissemination conference, tour of LBUS university and Sibiu city, meeting with the representatives of such companies as the German Business Club from Transylvania, Bertrandt and CEPROCS, visit to ASTRA Museum of Folkloric Traditional Civilization and Technique, and excursion to Sighisoara and Biertan were organised.

Proceedings of the PEESA III Dissemination Event Nr. 2 in Sibiu, Romania


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